Opinion article by Paulo Rebelo
The USA is the most important country for the growth and development of the world in the last century and it will stretch for another century until it runs out of steam. So it was with all great civilizations. It brings together the best of humanity in science, entertainment and arts. The world benefits from its dynamism. Their influence is based on vigorous democracy and powerful capitalism, examples to the world. The US became the world’s creditor after World War II, when it consolidated political hegemony; helped the planet to get rid of Nazism, fascism and criminals, however, for geopolitical reasons of the time, the world did not get rid of communism from the ex-USSR, which directly and negatively influenced the Americas (Cuba is the greatest example), Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe and, above all, CHINA, today, responsible for fueling the rejection against the West.
Through massive economic aid the US, after the war, Europe, Japan and South Korea were lifted from the ashes. Thus, the US became the world’s lender and adviser to everything that was relevant to the world order.
The perverse side of American foreign policy is to finance wars, elect and overthrow presidents, all “in the name of order democracy”, which is a great criminal untruth and therefore pays a huge debt to the civilized world, radically condemned among dictators, communists (now affectionately called “progressives”) and religious fundamentalists who give them a fight impose a tough fight around the world. Even so, the balance is positive and the world advances amid social inequalities caused by local and global economic policies. The US cannot be held responsible for every problem in the world when it is part of the solution.
When the marriage between the former USSR (Stalin) and China (Mao Tse-Tung) ended in a dispute for hegemony of power in Asia, with a clear superiority of the former USSR, an orphan, China allowed itself to be closer to the USA. It seemed an easy target for US geopolitical and economic interests, seeking to consolidate under its direct political influence, a gigantic market lacking in everything that makes human dignity and a fairer society. The USA imagined that capitalism would light the democratic flame in CHINA, under its “American Way of Life”, transferring (secondary) technology and participating, now with EUROPE, in the construction of the infrastructure of that immense and poor country.
China, with the help of the USA, came out of poverty, enriched and gained muscle to face the West, including, currently, directly threatening other countries, through its industries and, with fearful bravado, the submission of the world to its military force. China’s enrichment has rekindled past traumas, as China harbors serious historical grievances against the West. It rejects the Western way of living, including democracy and its para-effects; idleness, debauchery and above all, freedom of expression, however pragmatic, only wants capitalism in the communist way. It has imposed rock clauses on the West so that it can invest in the country; capital enters but does not leave; it is reinvested in CHINA itself on an ever-increasing expiration. State-of-the-art technology will remain in the West for another century, until the “BRICS” have a scientific intelligentsia to match, for the time being they are in second place and quickly following. For three decades, millions of young Chinese who are ideologically communist, if not boastful, are in the best universities in the world gathering and extracting knowledge of the best in technology in Europe and the US, in favor of China. It is a matter of time to overcome assuming the hegemony of the world.
It scares the fact that China simply doesn’t understand what Enlightenment is that most seems to me to be a Western abstraction. Completely unaware of the concept of democracy. Christianity (and Islam) are persecuted, believing that they are not only atheists or agnostics, but reject and despise the figure of GOD, which leads us to think about the worship of millenary dynasties and communism. The Chinese always had an imperial or communist father. He doesn’t know how to assume his destiny. His destiny is the one traced by the party. Interestingly, the rejection of the West is compared to that of the Western “socialist” bourgeois who enjoys the best that democracy can offer, denouncing the clear contradictions of Western society, but he himself is contradictory; it resembles a commensal parasite in that it “spits on the plate it eats”. It is shameful that, in the name of democracy, our socialist bourgeois builds it à la mode, believing to be the healer of the world.
To the most staunch Chinese capitalist, the Western communist must be a source of jokes and mockery; while he got rich at the expense of “imperialists” and “4” for capitalism, driving Mercedes Benz and Ferraris, our intellectually and morally impoverished “socialist” bourgeoisie wears a CHE shirt, believing in “revolution”, hoping China will do redemption of the world, the height of contradiction, reflection of his personal life.
Paulo Rebelo, doctor.