As a citzen of a former portuguese colony and a former underdeveloped world-BRAZIL, which was “benefited” from black slavery (4.8 million slaves in comparisson to 389 thousands to USA), it’s not removing or destroying historical monuments or memorials of their past “leaders” that First World Nations will erase a “history of criminality”, which by some extent was the roots of their grandeur and richness that benefits their habitants today; a high standard of living pursued by all nations.

I myself have some difficulties in undesrtanding it; if that’s pure ignarance or grotesque hipocrisy of Americans and Europeans, born in enlightened nations, no one can deny it. If someone argues it or denies that, we have to assume that publically they owe us pardon and should pay us a large sum of money, besides giving us back all the gold, silver and precious stones taking from their former colonies during centuries of exploitations.

See, it’s easier to destroy monuments than to pay us heavily for the devastation and suffering they cause, but that’s past!

Indirect tributes like throwing down monuments are nonsense now. It’s like ISIS destroying the Middle-East.

Such “despicable” statues shouldn’t be destroyed as to make their inhabitants never forget history- the dark side, for it must not be repeated and not simply rewritten.

Paulo Rebelo, a black man by American Standard.

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