Macapá, BRAZIL. 🇧🇷

My fellow readers,

First of all, excuse me for a longer post which may be exausting to you.

Many arguments are nor clear or somehow naïve.

Let me introduce nyself to you. I’ m Brazilian and live in the Amazon Region on the shore of the Amazon river and 1/2 hour drive from the jungle. As a physisian I have the opportunity to take care of the indigenous forest people, an exalting life experience. So I have a substantial regional knowledge that cannot be ignored nor undervalued..

(I’ve been in North America and Europe not only as tourist, but as a student for a year).



Any analysis coming from the First World Countries is or may be questionable or highly suspicious. We are skeptical about their intentions. Brazil is not poor country; it is a strong Developing Nation. Unfortunatelly, it is extremelly uneven and unfair, dating back the period of colonization and distorted capitalism, a land plagued by corruption and social injustice.

Those foreign nations have a sofismatic pedantic and patronising reasoning about developing nations and that” s why we deride and reject them.

The epitome is:

1- Americans and Europeans have a pathetic, not to say irritating and humilliating atitude; a hipocritical pedagogy about our democracy, viewed by most of you as immature and unstable with a biased legal system, proned to external intervention or “help” as we see now.

America nor Europe is our savior. In the past, they were our “executioners”. You can’t act like your ancestors.

2-Being the 8 th world economy, Brazil is the leading country in agrobusiness, cattle breeding (1 st) and aerospacial industry (3 th), minerals, a dynamic society, a huge and stong domestic market and rich and diverse nature and people. For this, Brazil is a strong competitor to the US and others .

3- American and Europe will do everything to “anihilate” Brazil’s economy, to stain our credibility, diminishing our morale and the ongoing ecological demands are their guns.

4- Ar last, since THE POLITICAL CORRECTNESS started in America and later in Europa, some of tbeir people, their socialist intellectuals, byproduct of the “conscious bourgeoisie” are revisionists, trying redeem their sins; those “imperialist” and colonialist nations commited horrendous crimes: mining exploitation, biopiracy, indigenous genocide and slavery.

The aim is to (their) “correct historical mistake, but with our sacrifice. Well, how about helping us to fix what the colonialists did and helped to perpetuate?

5- I am sure American and
European governent preocupation is a dissimulation and populist; their people is manipulated; the arguments are silogisms; it’s a matter of self punishment which they will never admit their historical crimes, transfering their atavic guilt, for instance, to BRAZIL, the “victim”, now the perpetraitor with rebuke and censorship as we see now, blaming us for that ecological CRIME.

And It’s not a matter of victimization.

The answer is: protect the Native Amazon Forest People and the nature will be safe.

In other words: EDUCATE THE PEOPLE YOU WILL SAVE THE AMAZON from (exploitation) and so SAVE THE PLANET.i

Do you agree with it?

P.S. A request: study more the issue before repeating hypes from celebrities, untruths or fake news.

Paulo Rebelo

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