Poem by Paulo Rebelo

Inspired by the writings of Gabriel García Márquez and a tribute to him.

The bad part
from my conscience
keeps telling me
To continue
defying my destiny,
Which it forsees how it will be;
Only to continue like exactly like this,
a lonely life,
monotonous and insipid
as if that
was a waste
Of my existence.

And that’s why
Inevitably I sin,
Becoming a constant Transgressor of good morals,
A child
playing with fire,
a renegade,
One next to an
Irrational animal,
An incurable perpetrator
of sins,
most venal,
socially accepted
with veiled convictions
And no punishment,
However, I do not pass unscathed;

Here I am free,
but with some guilt,
because I’m a vivid
contrast that reminds me
with some morbid pleasure
To what worlds I belong to
And I ended up with the conclusion That I’m in both of them,
who cohabitately
Inside of me,
Like Siamese sisters;
The good and the evil.

And when I see them walk away
from each other,
I sigh with the pain,
this atrocious contradiction
existing in me,
like a boat
That parts
Never to return.

Paulo Rebelo, the poet doctor.

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